Audit of the profitability and main economic parameters of your company
comparison with companies in your sector in France (NAF code)
600€ht within 24h

Economic audit - performance
WITHIN 24h - €600 HT

Audit of personnel costs
What level of turnover per employee? What is your percentage of personnel costs in relation to your level of activity in your sector of activity?

Audit of the main financial ratios
Compare your EBITDA with that of your sector. What is the weight of "other purchases and external charges"? How does your "sales margin" compare with that of your competitors?
Confidential and personalized
For each evaluation, the XVAL consultant will contact you in complete confidentiality to present you with the results of the audit of your insurance brokerage firm.
Xval Valuation
Order an economic audit for your company (payment secured by STRIPE)
Get a detailed economic audit within 24 hours:
by sector of activity in FRANCE
More than 75 economic performance audits performed each month.
"Accurate and appropriate for our insurance brokerage business."
"A quick read on our performance."
"A great help in the sale of our practice"
Frequently Asked Questions
During the economic audit, we compare your company's financial information with a database of 23,711,539 companies classified by sector of activity:
- Administrative data (obtained from the annual profit declarations that companies make to the tax authorities)
- Annual social data that provides information on employees)
- Data obtained from a sample of companies surveyed by a specific questionnaire to produce structural business statistics (annual sectoral survey/ESA / INSEE).
To allow for the most reliable comparison possible, the database is organized according to the revised NAF rev.2 nomenclature of activities, which classifies all companies in France by sector of activity. Previous results before 2019 were in NAF rev.1.
The data are published according to the revised NAF rev.2 classification of activities, whereas the previous results were published in NAF rev.1.
To launch an economic audit of your insurance brokerage firm, you just have to send us the last detailed balance sheet of the company to be analyzed by email : and to proceed to the payment of the valuation study.
To pay, you just have to click on the button below (secure payment by stripe) or to make a transfer on the RIB transmitted by the XVAL consultant.
To launch an audit, simply send us the last 3 detailed balance sheets of your company.
The XVAL consultant will come back to you during the course of the study if he needs additional elements of analysis on the transmitted reports.
Mailing address:
XVAL is a brand of "WEXLINKS", a limited liability company with share capital of 100,000 EUR based in Annecy, France, specializing in support for business leaders in the following areas:
- valuation,
- advice on financing,
- fundraising,
- transfer of shares. is involved throughout France in assisting business owners with the transfer of their companies.